Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Mass Communications (Online Journalism)


Assessment Report, 2013-2014

CLASS, Mass Communications (Online Journalism)

Assessment Identifiers

College / School
Savannah State University

Department of Journalism and Mass Communications

Program / Major / Certificate
Degree: BA in Mass Communication

Concentration: Online Journalism

Assessment Coordinator(s)
Online Journalism: Jessica Sparks
Audio & Video: Kai Walker
Public Relations & Advertising: Juliana Maria Trammel
Program Outcomes: Reginald Franklin

Has there been a change to the Assessment Coordinator(s) since the last assessment plan? Yes

Person(s) responsible for writing and/or submitting this report:
Online Journalism: Jessica Sparks
Audio & Video: Kai Walker
Public Relations & Advertising: Juliana Maria Trammel
Program Outcomes: Reginald Franklin

Program Mission Statement

The department's mission is to develop productive students in a global society, prepared for careers in mass communications, and to increase cultural diversity in professional media. The department fosters engaged learning and professional growth through high-quality instruction, scholarship, research, service, and prepares students to perform at high levels of excellence in mass media professions and post-graduate studies in the 21st century.

Has this mission statement been revised since the last plan? No



1. Students must understand and apply the freedoms outlined in the First Amendment, specifically those of the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech, to the generation, reporting and dissemination of news and information.  Students should also demonstrate ability to differentiate the freedoms of the press in a global society.  

2. Students must demonstrate an understanding of the history of journalism and its role of shaping society and its perception of the media.  

3. Students must demonstrate an understanding of how the diversity in the community can affect the way news and information is reported and perceived in the communities of the country.  

4. Students must demonstrate an understanding of how global diversity and society affects the way news and information is reported and disseminated in the United States and abroad.  

5. Students must demonstrate an understanding of use and presentation of images and information for the purposes of disseminating accurate news and current information through print and online media. 

6. Students must demonstrate an understanding of the ethical principles set by the industry and the current debates and discussion surrounding those principles.  

7. Students must demonstrate ability to think critically in use of sources and information for the purposes of writing and reporting news for a mass audience. Students must demonstrate the ability to think creatively in the construction and generation of unique story ideas and other means of disseminating information to a mass audience. Students must demonstrate the ability to think and act in service to the public while reporting and writing media. 

8. Students must demonstrate ability to discern credible sources for news stories and ability to use those sources appropriately for the purposes of reporting news and information to a mass audience. Students must demonstrate ability to conduct primary research through interviews and other appropriate methods for news reporting.  

9. Students must demonstrate ability to write in a journalistic manner using Associated Press style, proper punctuation, spelling, syntax, and appropriate tone for the story, media and audience intended. Students must demonstrate an understanding of several forms of journalism including, but not limited to, breaking news, long-form, features, and profiles.  

10. Students must demonstrate ability to evaluate the professional work of theirs own and others for accuracy, fairness and clarity in reporting and writing for media.

11. Students must demonstrate ability to analyze and use data as the basis of media reporting and writing.  

12. Students must demonstrate ability to use tools and technology to present information in efficient ways for dissemination to a mass audience. 


LINK TO: Assessment Report, 2013-2014 – Supporting Documents


Assessment Results (PSLOs)



SSU Strategic Plan Goal





Assessment Artifacts and Instruments

Target Levels

Results and Analysis of Results

Actions in Response to Results

Academic Engagement and Achievement

1. First Amendment: Students must understand and apply the freedoms outlined in the First Amendment, specifically those of the freedom of the press and the freedom of speech, to the generation, reporting and dissemination of news and information. Students should also demonstrate ability to differentiate the freedoms of the press in a global setting. 

Fall 2013 

Angela Wilson

COMM 4705 Media Law and Ethics

Case-Study Paper - C1-SSU-JMC Rubric: First Amendment- Fall 2016

70% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone
10% of students will score at Level 4 Capstone

TARGET MET                 73% Level 3 (Milestone), 10% Level 4 (Capstone), 17% Level 1 (Benchmark).


The expected targets were met. The results showed that the milestone (level 3) exceeded the expected threshold of 70%. The threshold for capstone (level 4) was what was expected. 17% of the students assessed demonstrated skills at the benchmark level.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: The program added more group discussions and group-based case studies.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue to add more group discussions and group-based work to enforce proper law theory and debate.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

2. History: Students must demonstrate an understanding of the history of journalism and its role of shaping society and its perception of the media. 

Spring 2014 

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media and Society

‘The Race Beat’ Reflective Paper - C2-SSU-JMC Rubric: History- Fall 2016

70% of students will score at Level 2 Milestone
10% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone


31% Level 2 (Milestone), 62% Level 3 (Milestone). Overall, 93% of the students achieved at least level 2, milestone.


Although only 31% achieved level 2, the planned threshold, the vast majority, 62% of students, performed at the capstone level. 20% of students were not expected to meet these thresholds; however, only 7% demonstrated attainment at the benchmark level.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

3. Domestic Diversity: Students must demonstrate an understanding of how the diversity in the community can affect the way news and information is reported and perceived in the communities of the country. 

Spring 2014 

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media and Society

‘The Race Beat’ Reflective Paper - C3-SSU-JMC Rubric: Domestic Diversity- Fall 2016

80% of students will score at Level 2 Milestone
10% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone


55% Level 2 (Milestone), 29% Level 3 (Milestone), 4% Level 4 (Capstone).


Overall, 85% of students attained the minimum Level 2 threshold. Only 30% achieved level 3 (milestone) and 4% level 4 (capstone), 14% of students attained below the threshold mark. The assessment plan projected only 10% to attain at the benchmark level.


Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

4.  Global Diversity: Students must demonstrate an understanding of how global diversity and society affects the way news and information is reported and disseminated in the United States and abroad. 

Spring 2014 

Phelps Hawkins

COMM 2105
Mass Media and Society

 ‘The Race Beat’ Reflective Paper - C4-SSU-JMC Rubric: Global Diversity- Fall 2016

40% of students will score at Level 1 Benchmark
40% of students will score at Level 2 Milestone


53% Level 2 (Milestone), 11% Level 3 (Milestone), 36% Level 1 (Benchmark).


Overall, only 64% of students attained the expected levels of 2 and 3. Only 10% was projected to demonstrate attainment at level 1; however, 36% of students assessed achieved at the level 1 benchmark level.


Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: Classroom discussion and news quizzes were refocused to timely and current events and topics. The program added more news to curriculum.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue to add more timely news and topics to classroom discussion and news quizzes.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

5. Presentation of Images: Students must demonstrate an understanding of use and presentation of images and information for the purposes of disseminating accurate news and current information through print and online media. 

Spring 2014 

Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts Assignment - C5-SSU-JMC Rubric: Concepts & Theories- Fall 2016

40% of students will score at Level 2 Milestone
40% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone

TARGET PARTIALLY MET 52% Level 2 (Milestone), 29% Level 3 (Milestone), 8% Level 4 (Capstone), 19% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, 81% of students attained at least at level 2, milestone. However, only 29% of students achieved level 3 and above. The projected number was 40%. The assessment plan projected 20% at the benchmark level, and only 19% demonstrated attainment at this level.


Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: New professor for course was added.  
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: Course(s) will include more opportunities to test and practice knowledge of theories and principles.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

6. Ethics: Students must demonstrate an understanding of the ethical principles set by the industry and the current debates and discussion surrounding those principles. 

Fall 2013 

Angela Wilson

COMM 4705
Media Law and Ethics

Case-Study Paper - AAC&U 2012 VALUE Rubric: Ethical Reasoning

70% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone
10% of students will score at Level 4 Capstone

TARGET MET 73% Level 3 (Milestone), 9% Level 4 (Capstone), 17% (Milestone)


Overall, 83% of students meet the minimum threshold desired. Over 70% achieved level 3, milestone and as planned, 10% of students attained at the capstone level.


Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: The program added more group discussions and group-based case studies.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue to add more group discussions and group-based work to enforce proper ethical theory and debate.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

11. Statistical Analysis: Students must demonstrate ability to analyze and use data as the basis of media reporting and writing. 

Spring 2014 

Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts Assignment - AAC&U 2012 VALUE Rubric: Quantitative Literacy

40% of students will score at Level 2 Milestone
50%of students will score at  Level 3 Milestone

TARGET NOT MET 21% Level 3 (Milestone), 36% Level 2 (Milestone), 43% Level 1 (Benchmark)


Overall, 57% of students meet the minimum threshold desired. Over 40% achieved level 1 benchmark.


Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: A new professor for course was added.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: Students will be given more opportunities to read and assess data. More class time will be spent on the subject of displaying information in effective ways. More examples and readings available on subject to students.

Academic Engagement and Achievement

12. Tools and Technology: Students must demonstrate ability to use tools and technology to present information in efficient ways for dissemination to a mass audience. 

Spring 2014 

Jessica Sparks

COMM 3110
Multimedia Publishing

Charts Assignment - C12-SSU-JMC Rubric: Tools and Technology- Fall 2016

30%  of students will score at Level 2 Milestone
50% of students will score at Level 3 Milestone

TARGET PARTIALLY MET 42% Level 2 (Milestone), 37% Level 3 (Milestone), 17% Level 4 (Capstone), 4% Level 1 (Benchmark).


96% of students achieved level 2-milestone threshold. While, only 54% of students level 3 milestone, 59% of students achieved the minimum threshold including 17% at the capstone level.

Description of any changes for improvements which were made during the course of the 2013-2014 academic year: A new professor for course was added.
Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: Students will be given opportunities to use the technology and tools for their disciplines in more courses and for more projects. In this course, more projects were added to the curriculum to practice use of tools and technology.


Assessment Results (POs)


SSU Strategic Plan Goal

PO Goal

Enabling Strategies



Results and Analysis of Results

Actions in Response to Results

Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase the enrollment of JMC majors

a. The program will have JMC faculty, staff and students who will attend the Open campus recruitment days scheduled by the University

b. The program has also expanded access to state of the art production facilities to be established in Whiting Hall

Blackboard Analytic data

The department wants to increase enrollment of JMC majors by 10%


The program did reach the target. There was a 30% increase in JMC majors for the Fall of 2013 from the Fall of 2012.


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The faculty, staff and administration of the department will continue to participate in various recruitment efforts including Open Campus day. The JMC staff will routinely conduct tours of the facilities for potential students and their parents.

 Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase participation in the annual Southern Regional Press Institute (SRPI)

a. The program will survey participation and workshop satisfaction among attendees

b. The program will make contact with Savannah area schools and talk to administrators

The department will compile data from the responses from the SRPI surveys of the participants

The target is to maintain a total attendance for SRPI of at least 250



There were 275 total participants at the 63rd SRPI in February of 2014.

Target exceeded by 10%


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The SRPI will continue to survey the participants at each conference to aid in planning the conference for the next year and increases in attendance.

 Academic Achievement and Engagement

Increase the number of graduates

Add instructors and additional course offering and more opportunity for faculty advising

Blackboard Analytics data

Increase graduates by 5%


36 graduates

Target exceeded by 19%


Description of the expected use of results that will be addressed in the 2014-2015 academic year: The program will continue the strategy of adding extra faculty to teach additional sections of existing courses and introduce new course offerings.